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Do you ever feel as if you spend more time searching through bad articles than you do reading good ones? In today’s online environment, finding quality articles is often time consuming and frustrating.
At Apex, we’re a team of 14 online fanatics – combined we spend an awful lot of time reading and researching. The purpose of this Article Roundup is to share a recent selection of quality articles we’ve found from trusted sources all over the web. This is an opportunity for you to save some valuable time weeding through low quality articles and spend more time reading the good stuff. On that note, scan over the articles listed below and read what interests you most. Last but certainly not least, a very BIG thank you to the expert authors who wrote the quality articles below.
If you want to sell online, you’ve got to get the shopping cart right. In this article Liesha Petrovich from Crazyegg highlights five common mistakes to avoid.
In-Depth Article: Ever wondered how exactly Google determines if content is quality? Content Expert Terence Mace covers this in a beefy article on Mace Dynamics.
The importance of a good user experience cannot be overstated. If you want to sell products or convince prospective clients to pick up the phone, Suraj Kumar from Usability Geek encourages you to avoid these 10 common pitfalls.
In-Depth Article: Understanding how people view search results is an important and often overlooked part of SEO. In this article posted on The Moz Blog, Rebecca Maynes shows us where people are looking when they search on Google.
Google has rolled out the latest version of Panda – aimed to further reward sites with high quality content. In this article, Searchmetrics writer Marcus Tober gives us an update on the latest Panda update.
Google has finally released its much anticipated Penguin update. Jennifer Slegg from The SEM Post describes what the update affected most.
Help yourself sort through mountains of AdWords data and focus on what’s really important. In this article, Randi Lucius from WordStream describes 3 reports to run today.
Quick read: If you are an advertising agency offering Google AdWords services to your clients, Ginny Marvin from Search Engine Land briefly describes a couple of transparency changes you should be aware of.
Quick read: Google has announced a subtle improvement to the way mobile search ads appear on smartphones. In this Search Engine Watch article, Lisa Lacy describes the recent change.
The last thing any business owner wants to do is waste time and resource on ineffective social media strategies. In this article, Neil Patel from Quick Sprout quickly bullets things you can cut from your current social strategy.
Have you noticed Facebook is automatically playing videos in your news feed? Ever wondered what effect this this may have on YouTube? In this article, Evan James from Social Bakers highlights the results of their recent study.
We hope you found this Article Roundup valuable. If you would like to read future Roundups, be sure to sign up for our RSS feed by clicking the orange icon in the top right-hand corner of this page.
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